Functional and Non-Functional Requirement in Software Engineering

Title: Functional and Non-Functional Requirements in Software Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide


In the world of software engineering, requirements are the foundation upon which successful software systems are built. These requirements can be broadly categorized into two main types: functional and non-functional. In this article, we will explore the differences between functional and non-functional requirements, their significance, and how they shape the development of software systems.

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements (FRs) define what a software system should do. They describe the specific functions, features, and interactions the software must provide to meet the needs of its users. Functional requirements answer the question, "What should the system accomplish?" Here are some key characteristics and examples:

Characteristics of Functional Requirements:

  • Specific: FRs are precise and unambiguous, providing clear instructions on the system's behavior.
  • Action-Oriented: They focus on actions, operations, or processes the system must perform.
  • Verifiable: FRs can be tested to determine whether the software meets the specified criteria.

Examples of Functional Requirements:

  1. User Authentication: "The system shall allow registered users to log in using a username and password."

  2. Online Shopping Cart: "The system shall provide a shopping cart that allows users to add, remove, and modify items."

  3. Email Notification: "The system shall send an email confirmation to users when they make a purchase."

  4. Search Functionality: "The system shall allow users to search for products based on keywords and filters."

Non-Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements (NFRs) define the qualities or characteristics that describe how a software system should perform. They are often referred to as "quality attributes" or "ilities" and address aspects related to performance, reliability, security, and user experience. Non-functional requirements answer the question, "How should the system perform?" Here are some key characteristics and examples:

Characteristics of Non-Functional Requirements:

  • Qualitative: NFRs describe qualities or attributes of the system rather than specific actions.
  • Performance-Based: They focus on aspects like speed, efficiency, scalability, and responsiveness.
  • Subjective: NFRs can be subjective and may vary based on user expectations and context.

Examples of Non-Functional Requirements:

  1. Performance: "The system must load web pages in less than two seconds."

  2. Reliability: "The system shall have an uptime of 99.9% over a one-year period."

  3. Security: "User data must be encrypted during transmission and storage."

  4. Usability: "The user interface shall follow industry-standard design principles and be intuitive for users."

Key Differences

  1. What vs. How: Functional requirements specify what the system should do, while non-functional requirements specify how the system should perform.

  2. Tangible vs. Qualitative: Functional requirements are typically tangible and can be demonstrated through actions or behaviors, whereas non-functional requirements describe qualitative characteristics.

  3. User vs. System Perspective: Functional requirements primarily focus on user interactions and system functionality, while non-functional requirements address system-wide qualities and attributes.

  4. Objective vs. Subjective: Functional requirements are usually objective and verifiable, while non-functional requirements can be subjective and context-dependent.


Functional and non-functional requirements are integral components of software engineering, guiding the development and assessment of software systems. By clearly defining both types of requirements, software projects can ensure that they not only meet user needs but also deliver a high-quality, reliable, and performant end product. Balancing functional and non-functional requirements is crucial for building software that not only works but works well.

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