
Understanding Interface Segregation Principle in C# with Code Examples

Interface Segregation Principle

The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) is one of the SOLID principles of object-oriented design. It was introduced by Robert C. Martin and emphasizes the importance of breaking down large interfaces into smaller, more specific ones. In simpler terms, a class should not be forced to implement interfaces it does not use. Let's explore the principles of Interface Segregation with practical C# code examples.

Interface Segregation Principle Basics

The principle is often stated as follows:

"A class should not be forced to implement interfaces it does not use."

In other words, instead of having a single, large interface that covers a variety of methods, it's better to create smaller, focused interfaces. This allows classes to implement only the interfaces that are relevant to them, promoting a more modular and maintainable design.

Code Example: Document System

Let's consider a scenario where we are building a document management system. We have a base interface called IDocument:

public interface IDocument
    void Print();
    void Scan();
    void Fax();

Now, suppose we have a class Printer that implements this interface:

public class Printer : IDocument
    public void Print()
        // Print implementation

    public void Scan()
        // Scan implementation

    public void Fax()
        // Fax implementation

This seems fine, but what if we introduce a new class Scanner that can only perform scanning operations?

public class Scanner : IDocument
    public void Print()
        // This should not be implemented for a Scanner
        throw new NotImplementedException("Print not supported for Scanner");

    public void Scan()
        // Scan implementation

    public void Fax()
        // This should not be implemented for a Scanner
        throw new NotImplementedException("Fax not supported for Scanner");

In this example, the Scanner class is forced to implement methods it does not use (Print and Fax). This violates the Interface Segregation Principle. To address this, we can break down the IDocument interface into smaller, more specific interfaces.

Refactored Example: Smaller Interfaces

Let's create smaller interfaces for different document functionalities:

public interface IPrinter
    void Print();

public interface IScanner
    void Scan();

public interface IFax
    void Fax();

Now, we can modify the Printer and Scanner classes to implement only the interfaces relevant to them:

public class Printer : IPrinter, IScanner, IFax
    public void Print()
        // Print implementation

    public void Scan()
        // Scan implementation

    public void Fax()
        // Fax implementation

public class Scanner : IScanner
    public void Scan()
        // Scan implementation

By adhering to the Interface Segregation Principle, each class now implements only the interfaces that are relevant to its functionality. This makes the codebase more modular and flexible.

Benefits of Interface Segregation

  1. Flexibility: Classes are not burdened with unnecessary methods, making them more flexible to changes in requirements.

  2. Readability: Smaller interfaces improve the readability of the code. Developers can quickly understand the responsibilities of a class by looking at the interfaces it implements.

  3. Maintainability: When changes are needed, they can be made in specific interfaces without affecting unrelated parts of the system.


Interface Segregation Principle encourages the creation of focused and cohesive interfaces, leading to more modular and maintainable code. By designing interfaces that are tailored to the specific needs of classes, you promote a more flexible and readable codebase. Always evaluate whether an interface contains only methods relevant to the implementing class, and consider breaking down large interfaces when needed. This adherence to ISP contributes to the overall SOLID principles of object-oriented design.

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